Every aspiring entrepreneur asks the question:
How to build a strong brand? And, in general, why is necessary to create a notorious brand. After all, you could simply create a product or service.
Many people think that a brand is a website, business cards, logos and advertising. However, this is not quite true. A brand is the positioning of a company in a market. And in order to correctly build this position, you must follow several principles.
Many people mistakenly think that originality is difficult.
However, believe us, all the genious things are simple.
The main goal of a logo, banner or poster is accessibility and ease of perception.
Successful logos of Georgian brands:

TBC Bank


Typically, companies try to reflect their value in a slogan. This is the foundation on which the brand is built. The culture, strategy, positioning, communication with the client will be built on the values.
A striking example in Georgia we could name our client – the company Alhadaya. This is a company for the production of Omega-3 and Black Cummin Oil in capsules.
“Our goal is to make every consumer healthier.”
Therefore, communication with the client is based on identifying the buyer’s problems, an individual approach to dosage, as well as a regular reminder of the reception and clarification of the state of health.

Yes, we live in a highly competitive age. In a global sense, everything has already been invented. But in order to make itself known, a brand needs to differentiate itself from the rest.
Let’s consider this point using the example of the Urban Garden fitness center.

There are quite a few sports clubs in Tbilisi, ranging from international brands to small halls with equipment for real “brutals”.
However, Urban Garden stood out by offering its clients “rejuvenate in hammocks after outdoor workout in the garden”, where a fitness centre is situated.
A great solution for a brand is to immerse the consumer or client in certain associations or memories.
This technique is often used by construction companies and residential marketers.
So the slogan of the residential complex Lisi View, which is located in the area of Lake Lisi, immerses us in the dream of our own home in an ecologically clean place: “გარემო რომელიც შენია” (Surrounding which is yours).

Be trustworthy
Probably, this is one of the main points of building a strong brand in the modern world. If you are trusted, then you could sell anything and for as much as you would like to.
Many different tools are used to achieve a high level of audience loyalty.
For instance, advertising from bloggers, providing guarantees, expertise.
Wolt often uses ads from bloggers, which evokes positive associations among users.
Of course, these are not all tricks that strong brands use.
However, even starting from them, you can greatly strengthen your position in the market, as well as increase your sales.